我們團員陸續從印度回來了! (For English, scroll down)
很感謝去年大家的支持, 讓我們第一個年度過的好充實!
--- 回饋樂迷PARTY ---
音樂 | 旅遊分享 | 美食 | 新專輯募款抽獎
特惠門票 180 (附飲料及小點, 非常難得的優惠喔~~)
預售請洽海邊的卡夫卡 (連絡方式/地址請看最下方)或當天現場購買
樂團成員 Members:
Paige 蘇珮卿 | flutes/harp/vocals 長笛/印度笛/豎琴/主唱
Yo 金光亮平 | sitar 西塔琴
Waka 若池敏弘 | tabla 塔不拉鼓
Cody 白克迪 | kanjira /percussion 甘及拉/打擊
Coromandel Express 是印度科羅曼德海岸的特快列車。起訖點為北印度的加爾各答和南印度的青奈。此名稱代表了團員們南北印度的音樂背景和融合。本樂團由北印度代表-Waka和 Yo以及南印度代表-Cody和Paige所組成。音樂上不但融合了南北印度的古典音樂,有時候也加入了西洋現代,古典以及爵士樂。精密複雜的節奏,極高難度的即興, 是 Coromandel Express 的主要特色。四位堅持理念,來自三個不同的國家的音樂人。在台灣,Coromandel Express 將帶領觀眾到一個全新的聆聽世界。
重要演出經歷 (樂團成立於2010年3月):
花蓮國際原聲音樂節 閉幕式
台北國際花卉博覽會 Int'l Flower Expo.
當代藝術館- 發現印度 Fun India! Fun Moca!
國立傳統藝術中心 - 亞太藝術季
ICRT 專訪+不插電live演出
台灣國際英文誌 Centered on Taipei 專訪
莎芙爵士現場 Sappho de Base
海邊的卡夫卡,女巫店,做瑜珈,板橋Mellow Cafe
Hello ALL!!
We are back from India and we are ready to share our new musical experiences with you!
Come to our first concert of the year!
There will be music | travel talks | Indian snacks | fund-raising/drawings
And the door is only 180 (including a drink and snacks)
Presale tickets please contact Kafka (info below)
or get your tickets at the door
See you March 5!!
The Coromandel Express is a train that links the North and the South of India along the Coromandel Coast. It runs from Kolkata to Chennai and represents the group's musical background. Yo (sitar) and Waka (tabla) represent the Hindustani style of North India, while Paige (flutes) and Cody (kanjira/percussion) bring influences from the Carnatic genre of the South. These performers meet in the middle to serve up a musical masala that is thoughtful, explorative, and beautiful. Also drawing from jazz, Western classical, and other World music idioms, Coromandel Express is fusion within fusion and offers something totally unique to the Taipei music scene.
海邊的卡夫卡:Kafka on the Shore
捷運 MRT :台電大樓 Taipower
2F, No.2, Ln44, Sec3, Roosevelt Rd, Taipei City
電話 02-23641996
重要演出經歷 (樂團成立於2010年3月):
花蓮國際原聲音樂節 閉幕式
台北國際花卉博覽會 Int'l Flower Expo.
當代藝術館- 發現印度 Fun India! Fun Moca!
國立傳統藝術中心 - 亞太藝術季
ICRT 專訪+不插電live演出
台灣國際英文誌 Centered on Taipei 專訪
莎芙爵士現場 Sappho de Base
海邊的卡夫卡,女巫店,做瑜珈,板橋Mellow Cafe
Hello ALL!!
We are back from India and we are ready to share our new musical experiences with you!
Come to our first concert of the year!
There will be music | travel talks | Indian snacks | fund-raising/drawings
And the door is only 180 (including a drink and snacks)
Presale tickets please contact Kafka (info below)
or get your tickets at the door
See you March 5!!
The Coromandel Express is a train that links the North and the South of India along the Coromandel Coast. It runs from Kolkata to Chennai and represents the group's musical background. Yo (sitar) and Waka (tabla) represent the Hindustani style of North India, while Paige (flutes) and Cody (kanjira/percussion) bring influences from the Carnatic genre of the South. These performers meet in the middle to serve up a musical masala that is thoughtful, explorative, and beautiful. Also drawing from jazz, Western classical, and other World music idioms, Coromandel Express is fusion within fusion and offers something totally unique to the Taipei music scene.
海邊的卡夫卡:Kafka on the Shore
捷運 MRT :台電大樓 Taipower
2F, No.2, Ln44, Sec3, Roosevelt Rd, Taipei City
電話 02-23641996
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